Note sur le statut taxinomique de la Coronelle lisse Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae) en Alsace
Résumé ̶ La Coronelle lisse est un serpent de l'Ouest-Paléarctique à très vaste répartition. Une récente étude biogéographique a montré que plusieurs lignées évolutives bien différenciées existent au sein de ce taxon nominal, qui devra certainement être séparé en plusieurs espèces à l'avenir. Des échantillons prélevés sur des spécimens provenant d'Alsace ont été inclus dans l'analyse, et se nichent au sein d'un clade qui comprend des spécimens proches de la localité type.
Mots-clés ̶ phylogéographie, diversité cryptique, systématique, Colubridae, ARNr 16S, ADNmt Cyt-b, ADNmt COI.
Abstract ̶ Note on the taxonomic status of the smooth snake Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae) in Alsace (eastern France)
The smooth snake is widely distributed in the Western Palearctic with a rather low phenotypic variability across its range. Only two subspecies have been described so far, Coronella austriaca fiztingeri Bonaparte, 1840 in Southern Italy and Sicily, and C. a. acutirostris Malkmus, 1995 in north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. Recent biogeographic studies revealed an unsuspected genetic diversity, confirming the subspecific status of the above-mentioned populations, and also showing that several evolutionary lineages might in fact correspond to separate species, especially in the eastern part of the range. Samples from Alsace have been included in the phylogenetic analyses, and are all nested within a clade (Western 1) that is less than 3% genetically distant from the clade that contains specimens from the type locality (Central European). This indicates that in case of future taxonomic review, the smooth snakes from Alsace will probably remain within Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 but might be assigned to a different subspecies.
Keywords ̶ phylogeography, cryptic diversity, systematics, Colubridae, 16S rRNA, cyt-b mtDNA, COI mtDNA.