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Découverte de Samolus valerandi L. (Spermatophya, Primulaceae) dans les Hautes-Vosges (France, Grand Est)

20/01/2025 Volume 81 p. 5-7 HERBIN Ugo

samolusAbstract – The Valerand Samole (Samolus valerandi L.), also known as the Water Pimpernel, is a subcosmopolitan primulaceae typical of damp or peaty habitats, mainly calcareous or brackish. In France, it can be found up to about 1 000 metres above sea level, but its habitats are generally flat with a predominantly maritime distribution. It is a globally rare plant outside the coasts, as noted by ZNIEFF, which was considered absent from the Vosges massif. In Lorraine, the Valerand Samole is classified as vulnerable and benefits from a protected status. Its discovery in a peat bog in the Hautes-Vosges raises many questions.

Herbin U. 2025. Découverte de Samolus valerandi L. (Spermatophya, Primulaceae) dans les Hautes-Vosges (France, Grand Est). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire naturelle et d'Ethnographie de Colmar, 81 (2) : 5-7.


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